Wednesday 26 February 2014

Settings for EMC Netwoker agent for backup Oracle DB on Linux

After you installed Networker agent for Oracle it is time to check out if if works.

Backup of  Oracle DB through EMC Networker is created using Oracle RMAN backup scripts.

For backup to work as it should, you need to make this additional settings.

1. You have to link libraries

#su - oracle
#cd lib
#ls -la |grep ;

#ls /usr/lib |grep libnsrora;
#ln -s /usr/lib/ 
#ls -la |grep libobk

2. Patching 
This step is usually needed.
To test if you need this step do following:

server:/usr/sbin # ./nsrdasv43592:nsrdasv: usage:
72583:nsrdasv:  nsrdasv -z config_file [-T app_type] [savegrp_opts]
75189:nsrdasv: The configuration file is not provided for the ad hoc backup.

If you get this message, then you do not need to do the patching.

In case that you get different message, you should apply patch.
Patch is downloaded from EMC. You will get bundle of folders for different OS. Find your OS.
In that folder you will have two files:


Now apply patch.

#cd location_of_patch_files
#ls -la /usr/sbin/ |grep nsrdasv
#mv /usr/sbin/nsrdasv /usr/sbin/nsrdasv.old
#cp nsrdasv.notstripped /usr/sbin/nsrdasv

 #chmod +x /usr/sbin/nsrdasv

Test it
server:/usr/sbin # ./nsrdasv

If  your output is like this

43592:nsrdasv: usage:
72583:nsrdasv:  nsrdasv -z config_file [-T app_type] [savegrp_opts]
75189:nsrdasv: The configuration file is not provided for the ad hoc backup.

then you are ready to do backup of Oracle DB.

In 99% of case with Networker Oracle DB backup issues above settings were problem.


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