OK, so we installed WAS. He is up and running.
<!DOCTYPE product PUBLIC "productId" "product.dtd">
<product name="IBM Web Server Plugins for WebSphere Application Server">
In case that you do not have web browser installed on server2, deselect first option. If you do not do this, then you will have warning that you need to install web browser so that you can read guide and see possible scenarios.
Click Next. Accept terms of use. Click Next.
Now your system is checked for system prerequirements. If you pass this,click next. Otherwise, resolve issues.
Select web server that you use. In my case is select Apache Web Server v2.2
Click Next.
This step is important.
Here you select is your web server local or remote in point of WAS. If WAS and webserver is on same machine, use second option. Because are web server is not on same machine as WAS we use first option.
This is where configuration of plugin will be stored.
In case that you already have some plug-in installed, you will have (like me) new folder named Plugins1,etc.
Point where your web server configuration files are stored and what port will be used.
Name your webserver. IBM convention is webserver1,webserver2,etc.
Point where installation of web plug-in is stored.
This is important step. Enter IP or DNS of WAS server.
As we mention earlier (http://sysadmin-tricks.blogspot.com/2014/05/ibm-websphere-application-server-and.html) WAS can use web server for accessing application on WAS. There can be more that one web server and there can be different types of them. Just to make clear, WAS can use several different web servers in same time. IBM have it's own IBM HTTP server and they like to use it (I wonder why :) ) but you can use any recommended web server.
We used apache web server.
To enable this to work, you have to install plug-in for web server.
Steps are:
1.Download plug-in
We need to install version 7 of this plug-in but there are newer version of it.
File is trial_plugins_7000_linux.ia32.tar.gz
2. server2#cd location_of_file
server2#tar xzvf trial_plugins_7000_linux.ia32.tar.gz
server2# ls
Copyright.txt JDK notices.txt plugin trial_plugins_7000_linux.ia32.tar.gz Version.txt
Copyright.txt JDK notices.txt plugin trial_plugins_7000_linux.ia32.tar.gz Version.txt
Here are info from Version.txt
server2#cat Version.txt
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE product PUBLIC "productId" "product.dtd">
<product name="IBM Web Server Plugins for WebSphere Application Server">
Older version do not need IM for installation of plug-in. Instead of this you just start install script.
You need to have X11 forwarding enabled(if you are using putty) or to have graphical environment installed.
server2# cd plugin/
server2# ls
docs install lib plg.installconfig.pak plg.webserverplugins.pak relabel_java.sh swg_info_common.css
framework installRegistryUtils panels plg.plgmain.pak readme responsefile.txt version.txt
index_roadmap_en.html lafiles plg.gskit.pak plg.primary.pak readme_toc.html setup.jar
server2# ./install
server2# ls
docs install lib plg.installconfig.pak plg.webserverplugins.pak relabel_java.sh swg_info_common.css
framework installRegistryUtils panels plg.plgmain.pak readme responsefile.txt version.txt
index_roadmap_en.html lafiles plg.gskit.pak plg.primary.pak readme_toc.html setup.jar
server2# ./install
In case that you do not have web browser installed on server2, deselect first option. If you do not do this, then you will have warning that you need to install web browser so that you can read guide and see possible scenarios.
Click Next. Accept terms of use. Click Next.
Now your system is checked for system prerequirements. If you pass this,click next. Otherwise, resolve issues.
Select web server that you use. In my case is select Apache Web Server v2.2
Click Next.
This step is important.
Here you select is your web server local or remote in point of WAS. If WAS and webserver is on same machine, use second option. Because are web server is not on same machine as WAS we use first option.
This is where configuration of plugin will be stored.
In case that you already have some plug-in installed, you will have (like me) new folder named Plugins1,etc.
Point where your web server configuration files are stored and what port will be used.
Name your webserver. IBM convention is webserver1,webserver2,etc.
Point where installation of web plug-in is stored.
This is important step. Enter IP or DNS of WAS server.
After this step is all Next,Next, Next...
And that is it for installation part.
Start your web server.
server2#/etc/init.d/httpd start
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